MON: 4.8 km. Took RubyDog out again for a WALK this morning - I was too tired to run, but Ruby had plenty of energy to burn. Barked at a horse which had more curiosity than a cat, and growled at a goat. I used an idea off The Dog Listener and turned Ruby away when she barked, then let her turn around to look again when she stopped. It only took a few rotations before she figured that it was better to look-and-not-bark, than to bark-and-not-see. As I said last week - very intelligent dog.
TUE: 4.1 km. Let me know when you get sick of dog stories, will you? I nearly didn't make it out of bed this morning, but eventually got to Ruby's front door only a few minutes late. Simon put the lead on before opening the door, and released the tornado. She calmed down after a few mad minutes, picked up the loop of the lead in her mouth, and she was ready.
It wasn't so much of a "walk" as a "sniff" this morning. Just as well I was only half awake and not very energetic, and I let her bury her nose into every exciting tuft of bush that we went past. We met some more horses, who she was curious about, but didn't bark at. And a bloke who called her "Killer" - she barked at him. Yes, silly man.
WED: 4.3 km. Boy, this dog-walking racket can be hard work. I hit Google yesterday to make sure I was doing the right thing with RubyDog (I am), and nearly everyone said to stop as soon as the dog puts *any* tension on the lead. So I did. After 45 minutes, we'd only done 2-and-a-bit kms. By that point we were at the sports grounds, so I ran the loop of the footy field with her held firmly at heel, and most of the way home, to burn off some puppy energy and get home within a reasonable time.

THU: with the puppy off with her extended family for the day, and a late one last night after the presentations, I took every excuse for a lie-in. Wasn't going to cycle today because I have a massage after work, and besides which, it's going to be too hot (forecast 30 degrees). Maybe tomorrow. :-)
PM: Massage with Matthew the Myotherapist. And for once, it didn't hurt. He said that my back and calves were looking really good.
FRI: 4.0 km. What I would really like is a puppy that walks at a consistent pace. I guess that's a big ask at 14 weeks, right? We saw some rabbits on the trail this morning. Ooooh, the excitement! RubyDog sat down at the end of her leash quivering with excitement, but quietly watching, as they flashed their white bums as they hopped through the grass.