Weekend roundup
Run along Victoria Rd to Killara and back along the trail. 8.2 km in 7:36/km
* muesli
* Office BBQ: sausage, vege burger, small piece of chicken, bread, salad, champagne
* raspberries + blackberries + strawberries + banana
* 2x muesli bars
* raisins
* muesli
* apple & raisin iced scroll
* apple & berry shortcake
* raspberries
* cherries (lots!)
* rice crackers & dip
* rice noodles & veges
Went to the RSVP Christmas Party in Richmond. It was okay, I suppose. Except when they started throwing streamers across the dance floor, and idiot men who bring their drinks onto the dance floor and then spill them. And how the hell can you dance with a drink in your hand anyway?! It's not cool, boys... Anyway, drink plus streamers made for a very sticky dance floor, and I kept having to remove wads of drunken streamer from the bottom of my dance shoes.
I went to this party mainly because I wanted to dance. The music started off good, but then turned into doof doof which is a bit boring to dance to. And only a few people actually *dancing* - most were just shuffling their feet in time to the booze.
I guess I need to make the effort to go along to one of the dance studios and find out when their regular dance parties are.
Went for a spin in the late afternoon along the Warburton Trail from Seville to Launching Place. Trying to get some miles into my legs before the MTB orienteering season starts. I'll do some hills next time. 26.2 km.
* muesli
* sandwiches: avocado, tomato, cheese
* grapes
* miso soup: noodles, calamari, bok choy
* more grapes
I was browsing through the Asian section of my local Safeway, when I spotted sachets of miso paste high up on the top shelf. I don't normally like miso soup because it's too strong, but this stuff is nice. It's pale, not dark. Boil up some noodles, fry up some calamari, pour boiling water into soup bowl, add miso mix and bok choy. Add everything else, and serve. So simple.
Weight | 73.2 kgs |
Walk | 12.3 kms |
Run | 22.2 kms |
Cycle | 26.2 kms |

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