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Monday, July 11, 2005

Pain in the neck

FRIDAY: sore neck, no exercise;

SATURDAY: sore neck, painting walls, run around Seville 7.1 kms; attempted to relieve neck pain by numbing it with alcohol;

SUNDAY: headache, sore neck, painting walls, walk around shopping centre;

MONDAY: sore neck, chiropractor. It's the "worst he's ever seen it" and I probably did it ("it" being a skewed disc at bra level) about a month ago. It's my "usual." So he "popped" the disc, attempted to correct my neck (but it locked up in a spasm when he tried), and told me to come back next week. And... thank god... a few hours later, I'm feeling human again. Probably about 75%. It still twinges painfully, but I should be able to sleep comfortably and should probably drive in to a yoga class tonight.

1 comment:

Cirque said...

I'm glad you've had your neck fixed Louise. I hope you manage a good sleep tonight too.