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Friday, July 15, 2005

Purple paella

Well, I didn't get to yoga last night either. Just as well my new 10-class pass doesn't have an expiry date. And my excuse last night? You're gunna love this one... I had the battery replaced in my car yesterday, and they hadn't used a backup, so I lost my radio. And the security code was in the filing cabinet at home. And I couldn't face the thought of a 2-hour round trip, in the rain, in the dark, without music.

So I went straight home, and played domestic goddess in the kitchen instead. And my paella went purple! I've no idea why, unless it was the handful of wild rice that I threw into the mix. Purple rice... hmmmm.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't blame you, Louise...I'd have done the same thing! Don't know about that purple paella!!