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Saturday, July 02, 2005

Street-O @ Newport Lakes

Very blah sort of a run. No energy, too many walking breaks.
8.2 kms.

This map is going to fall into the "too far" category next time an event is held here. Too much traffic, too far (70 kms), and too long (1hr 20) to get there. My back was aching by the time I arrived, after spending the morning sanding and painting.


I'd taken my yoga gear with me, with the plan of doing a 4pm class in Richmond. But after my attack of the blahs, I couldn't be bothered queueing up in traffic any longer than I had to. Maybe tomorrow. Except there's a State Series orienteering event tomorrow, which - in my current state of mind - is also in the "too far" category. Perhaps I'll stay home and paint instead.

1 comment:

Wobbly man said...

Hi Louise! Well at least you got 8kms in and that has got to be better than not running at all! Seems like lots of CR's have the blahs at the moment - I hope its not contagious!