Went to courtlylove's birthday party on Saturday - with absolutely no idea what to expect. Was pleasantly surprised to find a very engaging and diverse group of people. And a dance floor. :-)
Was introduced to a lovely young lady(?!) in a waitress's uniform called Fifi (aka Running High) who is into ultra running. He invited me to join their group runs (yeah, as long as you have an "ultra slow" group), and suggested that I check out Churchill National Park.
Which I did.
I chose a random route to the west, past the lookout, and headed up towards the top of the park. I'd been keeping to the gravel/paved paths, but was curious as to where the numerous unmarked trails went. So I followed one. It started off fine, quite clearly visible through the undergrowth... except that the undergrowth kept getting lower and lower until I landed in a small open grassy area with crushed grass trails heading off in several directions. But none made by a human. At one stage I saw a dog - it looked like a small black samoyed and I thought great, its owner is going to come through any minute and I can see where the trail goes. Well, the dog disappeared (and yes, I'm *sure* I wasn't hallucinating, even without my spectacles), and no sign of any owner.
Never being one to turn around and head back (yeah, and look what trouble that got me into last time!), I checked the map. I knew where I was - I could hear the traffic on the road, and I could see the transmission line. So I ploughed on through, and came out on the road pretty much where I expected to.
I headed east, past a Dog Boarding Kennels - see, I *wasn't* imagining anything - my black ghost was just an escapee - and did a loop across the top and back down.

8.2 kms
Pleasant area to run in, although I think it will get too hot and crowded in summer. The paths are quite open and exposed. Left knee (no, not that one, the other one) was a bit achy over the last km. Hopefully nothing serious - just the result of 2 trail runs in as many days. Or perhaps the dancing on Saturday night ("Let's do the Twist"... and not that crappy re-mix version either!).