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Sunday, January 15, 2006

DRNP Tourist Track

Sunday run from Monbulk to Avard Picnic Ground. 15.7 kms. I did this exact run on Christmas Day, and in the interval someone has gone along with a slasher and tidied up much of the overgrown grass and blackberry, making the trip a lot more enjoyable. To illustrate, the outward journey today took 1:13, whereas last time it took 1:28 - the difference being not having to look for the trail (I only lost it once today) because I knew where it was, and easier travelling. Only one small section on the road (~500m) where it was very overgrown. Still plenty of tree ferns to duck under and around, and untold spider webs to brush through.

Took the small Camelback in preference to the Fuel Belt, in order to carry more water. I like the convenience of having a drink "on tap" rather than having to fiddle around with bottles. But I wish it didn't jiggle around on my back so much. Had a gel at the turnaround point.

No apparent residual soreness from yesterday's ride to exhaustion. I really like the way we have two sets of muscles - one for riding, and one for running. Although I was starting to stumble on things in the final few kms, and jarring my lower back as I landed heavily.

Weight73.0 kgs ▼
Walking20.9 kms
Running33.9 kms
Cycling39.1 kms

Actually weighed 71.7 kgs after my run this morning, but I've been 73 all week, so I'll log it as 73, and put the rest down to dehydration.

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