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Friday, January 27, 2006

Morning Walks

MON: 5.2 km. After a restless sleep because of the heat, I really didn't want to get up this morning. Nice cool walk (comparatively!).

TUE: 5.9 km. Cool and misty. Walking along some of the back roads, I could feel tiny water droplets brush my face, even though the air looked clear (ie, not foggy)

WED: 5.1 km. Cool and crisp. ~12°.

I have one of my headaches. It started off yesterday as a dehydration headache after Monday night (user error - didn't have my usual sports drink afterwards), and it's now crept down behind my left eye and into my upper jaw. My teeth hurt. Urgh.

THU: 5.5 km. Left a bit later this morning (Australia Day) and it was starting to heat up already. Pretty sweaty by the time I got back home at 8:45.

FRI: Massage with the Masochist. He kneaded out my lower back, butt, and calves, then flipped me over and dug around in my somach to release something in the hip flexors.

Still have this headache - it's moved over to the right side of my face down behind my eye socket. Took some Sudafed this morning - it's starting to feel more and more like a sinus pain. I wish it would just piss off.


Cirque said...

Ouch! I hope the headache clears soon.

Spark Driver said...

A headache for half a week! Seems so unfair.