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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Street-O @ Brandon Park

Another excellent run! I've worked out what it is that I'm enjoying at the moment - it's not having to take walking breaks to catch my breath. I'm at a level where I can keep running for the required time.

Although I gave myself a hell of a fright tonight. With 15 minutes to go, I unfolded the map to pinpoint the finish location, and was a bit disconcerted to find that it was considerably further away than I expected. I'll never get back in time... I'll lose all my points... - and worst of all(!) - Jacqui's going to beat me!

I cobbled together a route that let me pick up a few more controls on the way back, and hightailed it out of there.

Got back with 5 SECONDS to spare!!

DistanceAvg paceAvg HR
8.3 km5:46 /km162 bpm (85%)

A nicely paced Zone 4 run. Not sure about the spike near the 6km mark - probably where I realised how far away the finish was! Also notice how the blue line (pace) creeps downwards as I warm up. The spikes in the pace line are where I stop to punch a control.

1 comment:

Spark Driver said...

That is quite an impresive average pace. You are doing great.