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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Bikram FUBAR

God, what a horrible night. We were up to the standing-leg poses, when I felt really dizzy and had to lie down. For the next few moves, I could only do half the postures. Then onto the wide-leg ones, where my ankle wasn't cooperating so I made a pretty half-arsed attempt at those. Tree was a write-off (couldn't twist my ankle up). Corpse was good - sweat pouring off me. I can do corpse. But I just couldn't muster the energy to do the rest of the class, so alternated between just lying there, and making feeble attempts at some of the moves. Urgh. I've never had such a bad class.

At the end once we were all in "passed out" pose and the lights were out, I thought to myself "what a horrible, horrible class" and promptly started crying! Thank god for dim lighting, and a face already red and sweaty. Once I left the sauna and was sitting outside, the instructor came over and asked if I was okay. "No", I said, and promptly burst into tears again. WTF is wrong with me?!! Gawd...

1 comment:

Cirque said...

Hey Louise
I hope you're feeling better tonight. Please keep us posted.
Take Care