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Sunday, August 28, 2005

Bush-O @ Crystal Mine

Bush orienteering out at Kooyoora. Granite rock country - considered technically difficult. Oh yeah...!

Course W35A - 16 controls (yikes!), came home in 2:37. Yes, two and a half bloody hours. 9.3 kms. Completely un-runnable - lots of green stuff on the map ("walk/fight, poor visibility"), and lots of big big rocks.

Last State Series event before the State Champs in 2 weeks time.

I just wish these things weren't so far away. This event was a 6-hour round trip. 520 kms. I spend more time and money (petrol) getting there than I do on the course itself. Even today!

1 comment:

allrounder said...

that's a big effort to such a tough course...must have been very frustrating as well as challenging...