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Saturday, August 20, 2005

Sucky Silvan

Bleh sort of a run through DRNP from Silvan Reservoir. First, I couldn't find my way out of the picnic area, and kept coming across high wire fences that obviously weren't meant to be climbed. Then I ended up on a dirt road that went on and on and had way too much traffic. Once I got off the road, I was on a farking steep forest track that just kept going up and up. Oh, and I found an orienteering control! If anyone is looking for 37B, it's at the intersection of Board Trk and Track 15. Onto another bit of dirt road, and a hidden entrance to Centre Trk. It's clearly marked in the Melways, but in real life the entrance has been bulldozed off with a huge pile of logs, bracken and other assorted crap. Once I'd climbed over all that though, it turned into the best track of the whole run - narrow, windy, and undulating, with nothing else around except the birds. Perfect.

6.6 kms

1 comment:

Cirque said...

Glad to hear you seem to be over all your recent health problems Louise.