Week 3
Week 3, only 5 more to go...
MON | 7am walk - the plan was to stick to the sealed roads and stay on the flat. *laughs* Maybe tomorrow. | 1.6 kms |
TUE | am: walk - stayed on the flat by following the roads that follow the creek. Down to the sports ground, a lap of the playing fields, and back. Raining. Also did a short weights workout when I got back. pm: sinus headache. :-( | 2.6 kms |
WED | am: walk - same route as yesterday, in reverse. Momma Duck, Papa Duck, and 7 ducklets crossed my path and waddled into the long wet grass. Very cute. | 2.7 kms |
pm: Street-O @ Belmore Parklands Slow walk, and came in after 42 minutes. The controls are so far apart when you're slow walking! I only got 5 - about half what a runner (ie, paulc) would get in the same time. | 3.0 kms | |
THU | am: short walk around the block, then a weights workout. No complaints from the ankle about last night. | 1.0 kms |
FRI | am: TUE loop + MON loop + sun = very pleasant "long" walk. Ankle is so unbelievably better than it was a week ago. | 3.1 kms |
SAT | Street-O @ Croydon Hills nothing structured, and I wasn't wearing the gizmo, but plenty of walking bits during the afternoon. | ~ 2 kms |
SUN | am: "long" walk, along a pre-injury route, stopping at the shops for juicables and the Sunday paper. My pace was almost back to normal, and the casual observer would not have noticed anything amiss. Gosh, it feels good to stride out again. | 5.3 kms |
Weekly stats
Weight | 73.9 kgs ▼ |
Walking | 18.3 kms |

late afternoon visitor to my garden
Best of luck with the foot this week. I hope all that celery does the trick !
Take it easy slav sister! Not too much uneven ground to get re-injured. You have inspired me to get into Orienteering (I especially like the idea of street-o) and hope to start soon. As a role model, you need to be in one piece!
I've just caught up on your blog and seen your poor old ankle.. that must really hurt :(
I hope it heals quickly for you. Have you considered getting some acupuncture.. I find that really speeds up healing, especially in areas like the ankle where there isn't so much blood flow. Helps with pain relief too.
So glad to read that things are improving a little. I hope things are right soon for you.
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