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Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Massive power failure in Melbourne yesterday. I rescheduled to an earlier Myotherapy appointment and headed out the door expecting the worst. Luckily though, only one set of traffic lights was out between Chirnside Park and Tecoma - all of Dorset Road and Burwood Hwy was good. Made it to the clinic with half an hour to spare!

My hip twinge is probably just a muscle strain caused by sitting funny on my Ball at work - I've had hardware problems which means that I have to swivel around between machines, but often I don't swivel (because balls don't "swivel" too well), but leave my legs (and ball) where they and just swivel my top half. So I'll use an office chair for a few days. It's still a bit twingy this morning.

Didn't go for a walk - 27 degrees already, and apparently Melbourne still has power problems. Lucky I live in the sticks, eh?!

And in Blogger news, it appears that I can no longer login to my Google account using my work laptop dialed into the work VPN. Bugger! Net Nanny strikes again. No more "free" posting. :p

1 comment:

Vicki said...

I use a VPN when I log in from home (rare now that I'm back in the office!) have you tied using a different browser. I had a problem where mozilla wouldnt let me login but IE would. Just a thought....