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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Street-O @ Studley Park

Very slow plod; walked about half. Too hot; no energy. 36°C at 7pm.

5.1 km

Started a new pair of shoes - purple Nimbus VIIIs that have been sitting in the cupboard for a few months. Not a very good initiation for them as I was too blah to actually "run".

Didn't go for a walk this morning. I was in a nice warm cocoon and I didn't want to leave it.

What about this mad weather we're having? I have both the oil heater and the evaporative cooler set up in my study - I use the heater in the mornings (6°C) and the cooler in the evenings (30°C).

1 comment:

Vicki said...

arrgghhh.... how can you leave shoes (or anything new) in the cupboard for any length of time???? I have no patience :-)

At least you're getting out there - this lurgy I'm battling has stopped me in my tracks! :-(