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Monday, January 31, 2005

Numb Bum

Well, I had a productive weekend.

FRIDAY: Pump class after work. First time back since before Christmas - 6 weeks!! Kept to the same weights and managed to survive the class, with only triceps and pecs complaining the next day.

SATURDAY: Run along the Warburton Rail Trail again, west to Mt Evelyn: 16.6 kms (found a shortcut near home). Knees survived! yay! I ran about the same time, allowing for the shorter distance, despite being pain free - I think because I was prepared for the continuous incline to Mt Evelyn, so didn't try and push it, and enjoyed guilt-free walking breaks. Temperature around 22-23 degrees and overcast (last week was 15-17 and sunny).

SUNDAY: woke with a dilemma. The MTB-O (mountainbike orienteering) season starts next weekend, and I haven't put arse to saddle for over 6 months. So I wanted to go for a ride before it got too hot. I also wanted to go to the gym for a pump/yoga combo. The logical solution would be to cycle to the gym, but I'd tried to work out a route earlier. I can get to Lilydale along the Warburton Trail, but from Lilydale to the gym is 5-6km along Maroondah Hwy, and I don't trust Sunday drivers enough to do that. And there's a really big hill in the way!

So I went for a ride. Warburton Trail again, but heading east towards Warburton. I turned around by Launching Place. I knew I'd be going downhill from Seville, and it felt like I was going slightly downhill all the way. Untill I turned around and got some speed up on the way back. I'd love to see a profile of the Trail, because it's really hard to tell in places. 25 kms, and I have sore sit-bones today.

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