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Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Street-O @ Camelot Rise

It's amazing (silly? pathetic?) how something like having a blog changes your behaviour. I was running along last night mentally cataloging how my body was feeling (right knee still not 100%, slight stitch in left hand side) to report in today's update, when it occurred to me how sad and pathetic I was being - I sound like an old women moaning about all her aches and pains to her friends over a cup of tea and a biscuit.

So... I'd like to report that I had a good run, despite the heat... and my aches and pains. :-) 6.7kms.

EDIT: was chatting to BeanieBum yesterday (27/1) who said she'd seen a bunch of runners in the area, and wondered what it was about. So I've scanned the map we used for anyone who's interested.

1 comment:

Martin said...

I do that all the time too....sad, yes.