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Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Ta Ta For Now.

I'm off to sunny Queensland for a week on a liveaboard dive boat. Really looking forward to a break... although I hope I can remember how my gills work. It's been over 18 months since I last went diving.

Street-O tonight, although may not get a chance to post here afterwards, as I haven't started packing yet. Flight is 10am tomorrow morning.

EDIT 7/9: Street-O @ Blind Creek (Studfield); 7.34 kms. I wrote "good run" in my log book, so I guess it was a good run :-) but I can't remember that much about it now.


Cirque said...

Have a lovely time Louise. I hope you enjoy the break and your gills remember how to function.

Ewen said...

Have fun Louise. Don't forget to surface.

CJ said...

You will be up there by now but I hope you have a great time. I'm very jealous!

allrounder said...

sounds fantastic, enjoy!