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Friday, October 28, 2005

Gone to the Birds

One galah, sitting on the summit of the clothesline; two rainbow lorikeets at the feeder. I didn't go for a walk this morning - I had some urgent stuff to do before work, but there I was, sitting on the deck minding my own business when a king parrot lands on the railing and starts talking to me. Man, these birds are big! (especially when they're only 2m away from you). Anyway, it hangs around waiting for the lorikeets to finish, and then flies to the feeder. In the meantime, I'm wandering around the garden watering seedlings and pulling the odd weed, and this parrot is happily muching away on sunflower seeds. So I go inside to get my camera, and sit about 3m away from it taking photos. Bird is completely unafraid of me, and only flies off when the lorikeets come back. Also had a wattlebird land on a grevillea which nearly collapsed under its weight, but it saw me with the camera and took off again.


Katie said...

Yes upload the pic's
I love birds!!

Ewen said...

King Parrots are almost as spectacular as Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos. Nice photos Louise, but they could be a little sharper.

Louise said...

Agreed. Next time I'll set up my tripod and a telephoto lens and see if I can get the birds to cooperate. :p