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Monday, July 17, 2006

Still sore...

Tamyka, thanks for the buzzword (piriformis syndrome). I did wonder if I'd been struck with something like that, but why would it suddenly happen? And it doesn't worry me when I'm running, only when I stop.

Anyway, I've made an appointment with the Magician for tonight, as it's still bloody sore this morning. I've also got my yoga gear in the car in case I couldn't get in to see him, and I'll do that tomorrow night. This isn't tame gym-yoga, BTW, it's Bikram's Torture Chamber, and guarantees to pummel everything that stretches, and some things that don't. I don't enjoy it, but I enjoying having done it (when it's over).

The other reason that I haven't been too upset at not running is that I've also had a mild cold for the last week, and my body has been really sluggish. Last night I had a headache (left temple), and this morning I woke up with toothache (upper left molar) - as well as a hip ache - and realised that it's one of my sinus headaches come to visit. Ugh. So I'm drugged to the eyeballs, and wondering if the whole left side of my body is trying to tell me something...


A Google search suggests that it's probably NOT piriformis symdrome - the pain in the butt, I can cure with a tennis ball. It's more likely to be this:

Pain in the side of your hip, usually at the joint of your hip and thigh but sometimes a bit higher toward the hip bone.

Likely causes:
A basic overuse injury. You've inflamed the fascia in your hips, the flexible fibers in the joint. The specific reasons for this pain vary for different runners. The culprit may be weak back muscles, the type of surface on which you run, the shoes you wear, or the length of your running stride. One of the remedies below will likely work for you, but it's difficult to predict which it will be. ...


Tamyka Bell said...

Oi, you bum-steered me by saying it was your butt... oh crap, that was a bad pun. Okay I'm going to shut up now :-) Good luck with it.

Spark Driver said...

Are you and Tamyka sharing the same cold perhaps?

Tamyka Bell said...

Oooh, Louise better hope not, 'cos I was going to smackdown whoever was responsible for this lurgy!