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Friday, March 23, 2007

Just Do It

I Just Did It. I joined the gym.

I called in yesterday and cheekily asked the Hunky Young Thing at the counter if they had any membership specials going. Once HYT got over his shock, he said there was a 5-month special starting next month. I told him that if I could have it now, then I'd join up now. :-)

So I got signed up this morning, and pinched and weighed and measured. They seemed to be a bit unorganised. The 11am appointment turned up 15 minutes late, and then spent 10 minutes getting her kid settled in the creche, so I jumped ahead of her (being booked in for 11:30, and a few minutes early). But that meant there was no time to run through a weights programme, so I'll be doing that on Monday.

I forgot to ask what my bodyfat was; but I passed the exercise thingie on the bike with flying colours. I was meant to get my heartrate up to 141 bpm, on a resistance of 70, but it didn't get much above 115 bpm. So she cranked the resistance up to 90 and then 100, and I still only got to 129 bpm before my 6 minutes was up. Apparently this translates to a "93" of something, which is "above average". I still think the whole thing sucks because I wasn't working at 141 bpm, or even close to it. Never mind, if I get to ride as a higher resistance so my HR actually goes up, then I'll be said to have "improved" under my new programme.


Then I drove over to Active Feet to buy shoelaces and Bodyglide. They'd run out of Bodyglide (like everyone else on the planet), so I bought a new pair of Nimbus VIIIs instead.

My thoughts are with the Oxfam Trailwalkers doing it tough today in 34°C heat...

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