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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Still Not Running

My ankle is still slightly swollen, and I don't want to risk it in its weakened state. It's also a good excuse to give the hip a decent rest, so I'll stay off my feet for another week. On the plus side, I got to wash both pairs of running shoes.

The diet has been pretty good - takeaways on Monday lunchtime (Fasta Pasta) and Thursday night (Noodles). Still haven't had any chocolate, lollies, potato chips, or icecream. Except for a dinner party last night, and that doesn't count. ;-)

Spent all weekend in the garden - finished hacking up the last of the clay and green stuff (which might have been grass once), forked most of it over, laid out a vege garden, and shovelled 1.5m3 of topsoil into it. I have the day off tomorrow (to supervise installation of a new hot water service), but I need to let my blisters heal before I pick up the fork again. Then just mulching and planting before I start on the next area!

I may not blog for a while - it is a Running Blog after all. I should be back within a week or so.

1 comment:

Spark Driver said...

I hope the ankle heals nicely.