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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Insurmountable Hill

SATURDAY: decided that Street-O was "too far, too wet", so I donned my daggy old parka and pulled weeds in the garden in the rain for 2 hours instead. Pretty lazy day apart from that.

SUNDAY: spent 2 hours digging over what will become the "lower garden". I'd started this at the end of summer and ran out of steam, so the first part was easy. And breaking up clay is a whole heap easier when the ground is soft and damp.

Then I dusted off the bike and went for a ride. I'd like to cycle into work once a week when daylight savings starts, so I thought I'd better try it. Along the Warby Trail to Lilydale, then along Maroondah Hwy to Chirnside Park. Except that I only got as far as the other side of Lilydale. That monster hill between Lilydale and Chirnside proved insurmountable today, so I pottered along a rough gravel road beside the railway line for a while, then headed home via Lillydale Lake. 32.6 kms. Sore arse, sore left knee.

Weekly stats
Weight74.6 kgs
Running6.5 kms
Walking21.6 kms
Cycling32.6 kms

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