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Thursday, September 15, 2005

Lost: Chandler Road

06:30, get up. 06:32 starts raining. Urgh! Don really ugly fishing hat, and head out the door anyway. The rain settled into a light drizzle - just heavy enough to have to wear the hat so I didn't end up with soaking wet hair. I'd worked out a loop that took me out into the back blocks and onto the Warburton Rail Trail via Chandler Road. So I get to the place where Chandler Road should be, and all I can see are private driveways (letterboxes, gates, and an absence of road signs). Definitely in the right place - just a fraction after the transmission line. Arrgh. Head back the same way in disgust. 5.5 kms. I check the Melways when I get home, and Chandler Road is marked with a gate. Right, so it must be the long unmarked driveway with a letterbox, but no property name. I'll attack it from the Trail end tomorrow...

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