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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Random thoughts on diet and exercise

Warning: FEMALE random thoughts.

I didn't go to yoga last night, but picked up KFC on the way home (so much for my new meal planner), watched the News, then spend the evening reading through a pile of "new age" magazines - Womens Fitness & Health, Wellbeing, Living Now... you get the picture.

Living Now had an interesting article on why sugar makes you fat. Basically, when you eat sugar it turns into lactic acid. The body doesn't like acid (it prefers an alkaline environment) so it wraps the acid (molecules?) in fat to protect itself. If the liver and kidneys then can't eliminate the fat-wrapped acid drops, the body stores it somewhere away from the vital organs - like in the BUTT and HIPS. My personal favourite storage places. So, to lose the lardyarse, you do the liver-cleansing thing, and cut back on the sugar drug.

Right. I can do that. Right?

Somewhere though the evening it occurred to me (like, d'uh) that my running has been pretty crap for the last few months, and that I'm not really enjoying it for its own sake. And Colac posted something a while ago saying that Caveman should get out of the cave as soon as it was light, and spend an hour in the sun to kickstart the body. So, putting two and two together, I decided to get up with the alarm and WALK for an hour before breakfast.

Which I did this morning. 4.9 kms in 57 minutes. Must remember not to walk through long grass when it's been raining for the last 2 days. Squelch! At one point, I walked around the local playing field (in circles) and realised that it was effortless. I had just switched off. And that this is what running should be like... instead of the gasping, plodding attempts I've been doing lately.

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