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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

No running

Foot is purple and swollen, and the ankle is "tight" with zero flexibility. But I can walk semi-normally, and it doesn't hurt. Getting out of bed is another story though - I have to swing my legs over the side, WAIT for the blood to rush down and the throbbing and pain to stop, before I can stand up. Those first few hobbles towards the bathroom make me feel like an arthritic 90 year old.

Did the Lectric Soda thing for the first two nights, and compression bandage for the first two days - which simply caused the swelling and bruising to move across the top of the foot and around the inside of the ankle. Eugh. Not pretty.

No running for probably another 10 days. I'm not doing my morning walks either - I can't even walk down the corridor properly!

I went slightly mad in the Myer's bookshop a while ago, and one book I picked up for 25% off was BodyDoctor. Basically a fixed series of hi-rep/low-weight resistance exercises, plus the obligatory diet section. Anyway... the point of this ramble is that as I can't run/walk for a while, I thought I'd set up a "home gym" (as I no longer belong to a regular gym). Went down to Rebel at lunchtime today to buy a set of dumbbells, and will work through the exercises tomorrow morning.


Sarah said...

Sorry to hear about your foot!!!!

Hope it gets better soon!!

jwkoncape said...

Ouch! I am so sorry. I have had similar injuries and it is no fun. You have to rest. I hope you feel better soon.