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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Morning has broken ><

MON: the Body wouldn't get up, so we stayed snuggled up in bed listening to the radio.

TUE: 5.2 km. Cold! the Body was quite happy to sleep in again, but it got overruled. I wanted to see the road work that caused me to do a detour last night when I was within sight of my street. And Seville now has a nice, newly-sealed roundabout for the hoons to skate around on.

WED: the Body rebelled again this morning. It's feeling a bit under the weather, and it's nothing to do with the cold snap we're currently enjoying. I hope it perks up again soon - I have a run tonight, cycle tomorrow, and MTB-O on Saturday.

THU: rolled out of bed with the alarm, and cycled into work. I have a new PB: 1:07 (was 1:14). Started to rain lightly on the final section, and has been pissing down in bursts ever since.

pm: Got home dodging the raindrops. 10mm of rain during the day had made the trail very sodden, but still got a PB on the homeward leg too: 1:12. I'm getting fitter, hah hah. 37.7 km total.

FRI: cold.

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