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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Morning perambulations

MON: 4.8 km. Nice cool morning.

Feeling a bit sinusy today, and yesterday while driving to orienteering. Rather than wait for a full-blown sinus attack, have bombed it early with high-dose sudafed. Here's hoping.

TUE: 5.8 km. Cool, crisp morning - misty over the valleys until the sun came up over the hills.

My horrible bathroom scales are paying me back for Sunday afternoon - I'd had my normal post-orienteering lunch of tinned fruit and 3-minute noodles; and stopped at the supermarket on the way home for some fruit. A packet of corn chips and some sun-dried tomato dip fell into my basket, and I managed to scoff the lot later that afternoon while reading the paper. With only a large bowl of fruit for dinner, I figured the calorie count would balance out. No such luck - 72.4 kg yesterday, and the same this morning. Urgh.

Visit to the myotherapist at lunchtime - lower back, outer calves, and hip flexors. He did some "cupping" on my back which he warned me would leave me with black circles for 3-4 days. Just as well I don't go in for backless dresses and bikinis then, ha ha.

WED: eek! I look like an Extra from an Aliens movie.

6.0 km. Mild morning, and walked the long way around all my loops without realising how far I'd walked!

THU: had a restless night last night, not getting to sleep until the wee small hours, then waking up every 2 hours. Opted out of my walk this morning, and will walk the Street-O tonight. Scales back to 71.3 kg (but still up a bit).


RunDave said...

Eeek! I hope that therapy makes you feel better, because it looks like it must hurt.

Ewen said...

Go Sigourney!