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Friday, February 17, 2006


MON: 5.8 km. Nice, fresh, cool morning, perfect for walking.

TUE: 5.1 km. The GangGang Cockatoos are back - I passed a tree making familiar crunching noises, and sure enough, a small herd of birds were making inroads into the berries.

Managed to "break" the strap on the Gizmo by falling off a driveway (inspecting a vacant block) and landing squarely on the hand which was carrying the camera, which managed to twist the unit in such a way that the pin came loose. Carried it carefully home before reattaching it with no harm done.

And today is Couple's Day, in case you hadn't noticed. The day in which men all over the country live in fear of Stuffing Up; while the women either look smug because their man got it right for once, or venomous because he didn't. Lots of Happy Couples taking over-priced balloon flights over the Valley this morning.

WED: 4.5km. I meant to go further - to go the long way back home. But once I hit the start of my street, the feet went onto auto-pilot and forgot to go around past the school. c'est la vie.

THU: 5.6 km. Cool and overcast.

Decided not to cycle in today - I think the sudden increase in distance (from zero to 40+km) is affecting my knees. And I have a couple of busy cycling weekends coming up, so I'll leave it until after then to do the work trip again. Will run (or walk, haven't decided yet) tonight instead.

FRI: 5.0 km. Another cool, misty morning.

Last night didn't happen. A horrible, hellish day at work that didn't see me leave the office until 7pm, which left zero minutes to get to the Street-O event half an hour away. Plus it was still 30 degrees, and all I was good for was crawling home and blobbing in front of the tv.

1 comment:

Spark Driver said...

"The day in which men all over the country live in fear of Stuffing Up"
I thought that was most days?? :-)