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Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Where do birds go when it rains? Most birds seem to find a dry tree or something, but the very wet, bedraggled pair of galahs on my deck this morning were a sorry sight.

I opted out of my morning walk. It was still raining, and I woke up with a cold. My nose is all stuffed up, and my throat is still sore.

All winter, I didn't get so much as a sniffle, and now my body's defenses have gone haywire because some stupid plant is flowering somewhere. Ugh.

Apparently, I'm not alone though. When I came in early at Street-O last night and made my excuses, several of the others mentioned that they'd been sneezing a lot and had scratchy throats too. Great, but I'm kinda over it. I'd like my body back thanks. By the time I got home, my nose was out of control and my whole face was itchy. And my arsenal of drugs wasn't working.

Street-O @ Rowville Lakes. 5.1 kms.

Had a dentist's appointment this morning to replace a couple of fillings (one of which had chipped). I was tossing up whether to postpone or not, given my current unpleasant state. But it's amazing how the body reacts when it has something more interesting to stress over. My nose was fine, and the only tingling on my face is the anethestic wearing off.

I have the morning off work, so we'll see how it behaves this afternoon. I have something new to go to tonight, but I might skip it until next week if this hayfever/cold doesn't subside.

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