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Monday, April 18, 2005

Going nowhere fast

FRIDAY: Treadmill for 20 minutes - 2.6 kms, and Pump class.
Junkfood: one blackberry pie and some biscuits.

SATURDAY: haircut, and removed all fixtures in the master bedroom ready for stripping and sanding.
Junkfood: none! It's always easier over the weekend.

SUNDAY: 2-hour MetrO event @ Bellbird Dell (Vermont South). A3 map (1:10,000), 40 controls, 120 minutes. Warm day, and moderately hilly. Ran okay, not too many walking breaks (I thought). Got back with 5 minutes to spare, and tallied up 100 points (out of a possible 140). Got second female! (by one point!!). Beat Peter! and Steve!! Happy.

Got home and measured out my distance - 15.5 kms. Not happy. I did this exact same distance at the last MetrO event in August. Eight months, and no improvement. Arrgh...

Spent the afternoon recovering, before stripping off one wall's worth of wallpaper (outer layer only - will leave the wet stuff for next time).
Junkfood: one small caramel fudge bar (shhh), and fish'n'chips for tea.

MONDAY: decided yesterday that I needed to run more often, so out the door at 6:30am for a short run around Seville. 4.85 kms. Must choose a less-hilly route next time. Spin class tonight, maybe.

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