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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

To detox, or not to detox?

Two things conspired against me over the weekend. The first was that I has a nagging headache all day Monday - as well as a complete lack of energy after working physically quite hard over the previous two days. Eating and sleeping was about all I was good for.

The second was that I bought a women's magazine - Madison - after I peeled myself off the couch and outside for some fresh air and a walk to the shops. One of the articles was on a 21-day detox where our heroine not only lost 5kg (nice to have!) but also had a lot more energy.

I've said before that my diet is crap, so I'm wondering if I should do something like this to solve: the energy problem, the headache (which I still have today), and the excess weight (5-10kgs) without which I'm sure I'd run a lot faster. :-)

I'm not going to spend $39.95 on buying the book, but there's enough information in the magazine to get started: stuff like cutting out gluten products, fruit (except bananas) because it's high in sugar, things from the nightshade family (which my Mum is allergic to - relevant perhaps?), red meat (which I don't eat much anyway), dairy (ditto), and all processed stuff (obviously). There's half a page of do's and dont's.

I made a start today by having a high-gluten breakfast (yeah, okay... okay) but without my usual OJ. Herb teas during the morning (more to try and kill the headache), and a rice dish for lunch. Shopping at lunchtime and bought some bananas for work, and some more herb tea. I completely bypassed the yummy cakes at work today - and now they've all gone, so my resolve is still good. Yoga tonight, with probably a protein shake when I get home. Or perhaps I should have coleslaw and leftover rice/lentils instead.

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