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Thursday, April 07, 2005

Mid-week report

MONDAY: full of good intentions - I packed running gear and gym gear. Got to work, and the toilets had flooded over the weekend. The whole downstairs plumbing was out of action (including the shower). So no lunchtime run... okay, I figured, I'd go to the gym after work, do the 30-minute "runners workout" in the latest RW mag, hop on the treadmill for half an hour, then finish off with a Body Balance class.


Six o'clock rolls around and I'm dead. Head for home with a stop at Red Rooster on the way.

Should really do something about my junk-food diet.

TUESDAY: Tuesday is usually lethargy day, but I had that on Monday and I can't do two in a row! So headed to the gym after work and did a yoga class. I was pleasantly surprised at how bendy I still am, considering I haven't done a class for 7 weeks. Must do this more often.

Didn't tape my knee - it gets really itchy under the tape, and you can't scratch it! So thought I'd have a day off, even though the Physio wants me to tape it every day for two weeks.

Dinner of strawberries, plums, and yoghurt, followed by a chunk of Toblerone. It's balanced, right?!

WEDNESDAY: Street-O run at Watsonia. Hilly area, but knee (and the rest of me) performed well. Knee was taped.. yes, and itchy. Kept leapfrogging Peter, who would walk up hilly bits while I would run them, then overtake me when I'd walk to read the map. Felt strong. 7.9 kms.

THURSDAY: Tape-free day for the knee. Off to the Podiatrist tonight...

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