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Friday, April 15, 2005

Podiatrist visit #2

THURSDAY: no exercise apart from a walk to the shopping centre and back (~2 kms), but I'm feeling VERY PROUD OF MYSELF. Not a single piece of junkfood passed my lips yesterday. Nothing, nada, zilch.

Second visit to the podiatrist last night. A bit more poking and measuring; pen lines, and "connect the dots" drawn on my feet and lower legs; and some lovely warm mud-like plaster-of-paris tape wrapped around my feet to make two little casts. Orthotics ready in 2 weeks.

I've been more conscious of my foot motion over the last week - curious to see what my feet actually do. My heel strike is okay (slightly pronated), but I don't roll down and off the big toe the way you're supposed to. I stay on the outside of the foot and roll off from just below the little toe. Why? I'm sure I never used to. Perhaps it's to "protect" my metatarsils - I'm prone to bruising and minor stress 'fractures' across there - by staying off them. Perhaps my shoes provide too much motion control and don't let me twist across the instep. Curious.

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