Two dogs and a Magpie
I was only a kilometre or so from home, thinking how nice it was not to have had any dogs harrass me, when I got swooped on by an overzealous magpie. Well, I guess it's now Magpie Season in Seville. Any ideas on the best way to deal with these? - apart from avoiding all roads with nesting magpies. And just around the corner, two dogs ran out to greet me. The more "aggressive" one was a very elderly hound which I gently prodded away with my foot. His smaller playmate was content to yap at me from their front gate. 5.3 kms.
Oh, and the scales said 74.0 kg this morning. Which means, I guess, that it's time for a confession: I had a KFC Wicked Meal on Monday night. Which went straight onto the scales the next morning, and bumped me up to 75.7 kg. Urgh. but I'm back down, and then some, so yippee. :-)
my housemate copped a magpie in the back of the head yesterdya morning while she was zoo snoozing at Dubbo Zoo...
wear a hat with eyes on the back or carry a big stick or move faster!
I like the "big stick" idea. It'll work on the dogs too. :-)
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