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Friday, December 16, 2005

Speedy Friday

Even though I ran hills last night, I thought I'd try and stick to my Friday speed session. Even though it was raining this morning - pissing down, in fact. Wearing full body armour (both ankle braces), I trotted down to the footy field to warm up. About 2 minutes after I left home, I knew this was going to hurt!

Measured a slightly longer route around the paddock, avoiding grass, puddles, and anything ankle-biting. The Gizmo measured it as 477m and 519m, so I can either split the difference, or come down in the weekend with the bike/computer to measure it out. So take the distance and pace with a grain of salt. The times should be accurate though.

lapdistance (m)time (min)pace (/km)
1: medium jog477.82:31 5:18
2: fast jog519.02:074:06

After 2 laps, I'd had enough. The second lap was hard work on tired legs!! Trotted back home through the rain, to the amusement of two council workers taking shelter in the park.

Total: 3.4 kms.

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