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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Street-O @ Canterbury Trails

Well, the cool change came and went, leaving it still pretty warm at 7pm. Bit of a struggle to start, but warmed up and was running well towards the end. 6.7 kms. Average pace 6:45, average heartrate 158 bpm, although I noticed it had dropped out at one stage.

We had the DROC Xmas BBQ in Canterbury Gardens afterwards, with probably 50 people staying back for a BBQ dinner.

I want to get my pace down to 6:00 - which works out at around 5:30 running pace, with the extra 30 seconds allowed for stopping at controls and reading the map. I think my running pace at the moment is okay - although I've been ignoring the Gizmo while I'm actually out there (I have it on the HR display). But I'm spending too much time walking - to rest, and to read the map. I really don't want to cut down on my map-reading efforts (that way leads to disaster!), so I guess I need to work on the resting part. Perhaps slow to a basic trot rather than drop back to walking.

Hah. This getting back to fitness lark is a lot harder than it looks.

I won't go for a walk tomorrow morning - it's nearly midnight already, and I need my beauty sleep. :-) But will walk the Street-O tomorrow night, and get another BBQ in before Xmas!

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