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Wednesday, April 13, 2005


TUESDAY: yoga class.

Still chuckling over Colac's rant which seemed to be (unintentionally?) directed at me after my tongue-in-cheek post. Got home, and dug out my Anthony Robbins book (I can't believe I just admitted that), and started browsing through it. One comment stood out - "a true decision ... is cutting off any other posibility."

If you "decide" to do something (like go to yoga once a week), then piking out because you "don't feel like it" isn't an option. If you think you'd quite like to lose a kilo or two, then that leaves the option open to have that piece of chocolate, or grab KFC on the way home. It's not really a "decision". If you decide to lose weight, then there is no option other than to eat healthy food. A sugar fix is not an option.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not concerned about my weight. My diet, however, could be better.

And to translate it to running - and someone's comment about "running is 90% above the shoulders". If I "decide" (as opposed to "would quite like") to increase my endurance, then slacking off between controls is not an option.

1 comment:

Carolyne said...

Well said Louise. Colac is a bit of a treasure, isn't he?

Too few people make commitments these days, especially where exercise (or something requiring personal effort) is concerned.