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Friday, June 10, 2005

Mind Body Spirit

I took the day off work today, and went into the city for the Mind Body Spirit Festival at the Melb Exhibition Centre. I was *hoping* to find a yoga retreat or something to go to, but the only non-meditation retreat was a Fitness Escape (isn't that an oxymoron?) which actually looks pretty cool. If I can justify the $3000 to go away for a week.

Spent money on essential oils, an electric burner, and hand lotion. Could have been worse, I suppose. :-)

Back home, my neighbour has just knocked on the door to tell me that they're going away for the weekend. I told her that I was thinking about getting a cat, and would her 12yo daughter like to feed it when I go away?
Ohhh, yes! She'd love that!
Good - one cat problem solved.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OK, Louise, you've got the "mind, Body, Spirit" part, but how's the "heart not in it" going? Anything after that "crappy" run? Well, it just has to get better from here on, but if not, just keep posting & let's know how you're feeling. LL