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Thursday, June 02, 2005

Street-O @ Scoresby

Wore the Gizmo with the HRM set to yell at me if my HR went into Zone 5. It did. I'd be running up a road (uphill) when it would start chirping, so I'd slow down. Sometimes it kept chirping, so I'd give up and walk! About 500m from home, I was running out of time, it was all uphill, and my wrist was making desperate bleeping noises which I didn't have the luxury of ignoring! 7.1 kms.

I've now found 2 workmates who run GPS Software. The favourite seems to be OziExplorer which has a couple of demo versions which are next to useless to test my setup. In one version I can't import a map, and I can't upload the Gizmo without having a map loaded. In the other version, I can get a map loaded, but the Garmin menu is greyed out, so I can't then import my data. Arrrrgh. So I think I'm going to "borrow" some licensed software (sssssh), to prove that I can actually make use of it.

watch this space. :-)

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