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Thursday, June 16, 2005

My halo is shining

I'm feeling very virtuous today. Yet another day off work, this time to supervise the electrician. I now have 2 sets of lights, a ceiling fan and an extra powerpoint in the reno room. And damn, it looks good! I also had quotes today from the curtain people and the wardrobe man. Curtains can happen straight away, Wardrobe has to wait for the builder, who now thinks he can do the plastering next Wednesday.

They were all out of the house by lunchtime, so I adjusted my halo and headed for the kitchen. Pumpkin rice risotto (the real stuff - not out of a packet) for lunch, and there's pumpkin soup in the Crockpot for dinner. Today, tomorrow, and all into next week, I expect!

I got a bit of a fright yesterday morning when I hopped on the bathroom scales. Up nearly 1.5kgs. I *knew* I shouldn't have had that KFC on Tuesday night! Anyway, I made drastic plans to cut out the junkfood (again), do something about exercise (again), and generally get my shit together (again).

Weight back to normal this morning. So just a temporary glitch.

Anyway, I'm keeping a food diary and journal of all the crap thoughts that pass through my head (yes - there's a lot more than what I ramble on about in here. :-)).

So back to running(!). Street-O at Balwyn North last night. 7 kms. Cold to start, but warmed up after 10-15 minutes. Back early (again). Sorry, LL, my heart still isn't really in it, but at least the legs were responding to directions last night.

PaulC also turned up again, but I didn't see him afterwards, so hope he got back in better shape than he did last time!

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