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Thursday, June 16, 2005

A wasted journey?

When I was living in Sydney, I used to do Bikram's Yoga, and found it really effective. I'd looked up studios in Melbourne a few days ago, and figured that tonight was a good night to drive in to the one in Elsternwick (the only one with a Thursday night class). Well, it took over 1 1/2 hours to drive the 55 kms - then I couldn't find the studio, and then I couldn't find a carpark... and the clock was ticking. Arrrrgh! Irritated, tired, frustrated and grumpy, the only carpark I could find was in McDonalds.

One Quarter Pounder with Cheese later, I was in a slightly better mood. So I drove the 10 kms to the Richmond studio just to check it out - found it easily, plus carparking out the back. Mon-Wed classes only (after 6pm), but I might have another try on Saturday.

120 km round trip... for Maccas?

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