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Monday, August 28, 2006

Street-O chez Bryan

Bryan's speciality is radio orienteering, so he'd set out a couple of radio transmitter controls as part of a regular score course - the 2 radio controls were worth 10 points each. But you had to find them first!

I decided that I couldn't be bothered wandering aimlessly around a park listening to the antenna bleeping and burbling away, so opted for a straight running course.

Hilly area, and a fairly complex course, so while it felt like I was running well, I had a lot of pauses to figure out where to go next.

DistanceAvg paceAvg HR
9.0 km6:23 /km158 bpm (83%)

Running for an hour (57 minutes) is also pushing my fitness at the moment - I can run 7-8 kms without too much effort, but I struggle over the last couple. I need to get back into my long runs...

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