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Saturday, January 21, 2006

47.4 degrees

SAT: That's what it got to on my deck this afternoon. I hibernated inside all day, resorting to the aircon when it reached 30 degrees inside.

Way too hot to go to the first mountainbike event of the year, and with a forecasted MINIMUM of 27 overnight, I don't think I'll be running anywhere tomorrow either.

SUN: 48.0 degrees. Woke up pre-dawn and thought about heading out for a run, but I was expecting the plumber to turn up between 7:30 and 8am (yep - had domestic problems yesterday, as well as the heat) so spent another day hibernating. Thank god there's a cool change forecast for tomorrow.

Have also realised that I've fallen off the wagon (again) with regard to my diet since I've been back running. A wake-up call to get back to basics - salads and juices instead of coke and chips.

Weight73.1 kgs ▲
Walking13.1 kms (3)
Running12.1 kms (2)
Cycling37.6 kms (1)

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