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Monday, January 23, 2006

Street-O @ Harvey Heights

Much cooler tonight. Running felt okay, although I had another bout of stomach cramps for a bit, and I made a terrible navigation decision (or two!) leaving me short by one control which meant I had to double-back past the start to pick up one more.

Came in about 20m behind Ian :-( and a lot of others also had long runs.

7.2 km. Average pace 6:40, average heartrate 152 bpm, max 167 (never really got up much at all)

Post-mortem of Saturday's MTB event (the one I didn't go to): very hot, people vomiting everywhere, glad I didn't go. They got a reasonable crowd though, which is good, because it'd be disappointing to set an event that no one comes to. This Thursday's cycle (Aust Day) has been cancelled because of the forecasted 40 degree heat.

And in health news, I bought a stack of organic veges at lunchtime, and have just spent some quality time in the kitchen chopping them all into tiny pieces for a salad which should last me a few days. And some organic chocolate... :-))

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