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Monday, January 02, 2006

Street-O @ Upwey

Hot and hilly, but strangely enough not as hot nor as hilly as Jindabyne. Also my first run since Christmas, and it was nice to get the legs turning over again.

Tonight's course was a Score event - 45 minute time limit for C Course. Foolishly went for #9 down a back road that looped behind the main road. By the time I'd got back to the main road, I knew I was going to be late back. The nature of the map meant there were no short-cuts back to the finish, so I stuck to my plan to loop around the top of the map and come back down a dotted line (gravel track) picking up a couple of controls on the way through. Well... my gravel track turned into a narrow trail which lead across the creek and back to #2, which I'd already done. Somehow I'd got myself onto an unmarked track and travelled through an out-of-bounds area. At least I recognised the bush near #2, so I knew where I'd come out - it could have been very messy if I didn't know where I was. Ran back to the finish, past #15 and #3 which I'd also already got, was 4 minutes late and missing the controls which I'd planned to get. Urgh. We'll see how near to last I get when the scores are tallied up.

Felt like I was running nicely though. Good turnover, and pulling myself up the hills quite nicely. Heartrate was up - average 167, max 181 - and a few walking breaks to recover. 6.5 kms.

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