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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Street-O @ Kew East

Not so hot tonight. Started off slow, and didn't ever speed up much, but actually, I enjoyed it! Nice quick leg turnover, maintained my pace on the hills, and had minimal walking breaks.

Was talking to Ian afterwards (he beat me home tonight - slightly better route choice, I think) and thinking that my 2-month enforced break has renewed my enthusiasm for running. I had a pretty crap, blah sort of winter; this major (for me) injury; and now I feel like I'm coming back stronger and ready for more. Bring it on!

6.8 kms. Average pace 6:42, average heartrate 159 bpm.

In cycling news, I bought some street tyres for my MTB, so I can cycle to work once a week. Got back to work to an email from Deb about a club cycle on the trails on Australia Day. And the MTB-O season kicks off in a few weeks too (will need to put the knoblies back on). Hopefully, 2006 will be a cycling year, as well as a running year.

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