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Friday, January 20, 2006

Forever Tuesday Morning

Without you my life's gonna be... forever Tuesday morning
(The Mockers)

TUE: 5.8 kms. More energetic this morning, went down to the Warby Trail to find a level 1 km to do a TT on Friday. Ha ha...

Lots of rabbits out this morning, with their little white arses bobbing away in front of me. I'd think they were "cute" if I didn't come from a farming family, and know what devastation they cause.

WED: 4.8 kms. Rolled out of bed late. Forgot to press the Start button on that expensive hunk of plastic that sits on my wrist. *sigh*

THU: cycled to work! 19.0 km in 1:13. I must be mad...

Residual sore bum from Saturday, and slight tiredness in the quads. Oh, and my sunburned limbs have gone brown except for one tiny strip on my arms between my cycle sleeve and my normal t-shirt sleeve. And it started peeling last night. Great look. :-(

pm: and home again in 1:22 - in 35 degree heat and a head wind. Definitely mad. Total 37.6 kms

FRI: nah. After a very hot, sleepless night, I wasn't interested in running (or walking) anywhere this morning.

1 comment:

RunDave said...

"Forgot to press the Start button on that expensive hunk of plastic that sits on my wrist. *sigh* "

I hate it when that happens, or when I forget to press stop, or when I wear my watch but forget the chest strap, or most stupidly, when I wear the chest strap and wear my normal dress watch.