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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Street-O @ Bennettswood

Hot, slow plod. Didn't push it at all, just let my legs carry me as they chose. 6.12 km in 6:48 pace. Average HR 161, max 173. Beat Ian.

One funny incident to share with you: a group of people were on the roadside saying goodbye to another group of people in a car, and supervising from the footpath was a large ginger cat. As I ran up, I expected the cat to take fright and run off, but no, it stood (sat) its ground and just watched as I passed within a foot of it. One of the roadside people suggested to the cat that it might be a good idea for it to move out of the way of these "crazy people."

Not a bad description.

Food-wise, I tried a different tack this afternoon. Usually, I try and have something to eat around 4-ish to give me energy through to 7pm. Today, I had a "power salad" for lunch (last of the organic veges, plus pinenuts and almonds), and nothing else all afternoon - figuring that if my stomach was empty, all my energy could be diverted to my legs instead of my gut. Well, I felt fine, I didn't get stomach cramps like on Monday, and my energy level was okay, although I wasn't going to attempt anything in this heat.

29.8 degrees as I type this at 9:30pm.

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