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Sunday, January 07, 2007

Diet Log

I quite enjoyed (if "enjoyed" is the right word) the discipline of recording what I ate over the last month. But I don't want my food obsession filling up my running log, and I'm pretty sure that you don't want to read about it either.

So I'm starting a Diet Log over at WordPress. And now that the new Blogger allows RSS feeds on its pages, I've linked to it in the sidebar. It would be nice if it showed content, but post titles are good enough, I suppose.

This lets me ramble on about food without boring you, and lets me testdrive Wordpress to see if it's worth swapping over to.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

What is your goal with the diet log? I used to keep a log back when I was competing. It's a good way to find the foods that work for you and those that dont etc. Its a good reminder of how much or how little you're eating too.